LDDA ( Lakeland Downtown Development Authority)  – Business Recruitment & Retention, Data Collection, Advocacy, Eyes & Ears on the Street

We also own and operate the Downtown Farmers Curb Market.
The LDDA’s role has changed over the decades as the city established additional CRA districts and the city commission became the CRA board.  Today, the LDDA’s focus is more streamlined: Marketing – Maintenance – Management.  To get a more in depth understanding of the LDDA’s role you can read about us on our website (see below), but for the purpose of this page’s quick overview, it is important to point out that the LDDA is an advocate for the businesses and property owners in its district, and we oversee business development.  We want businesses to grow and prosper here and help by gathering data about the district and promoting it as a place to locate. We also communicate and facilitate a clean and safe community and work to enhance physical improvements.

How the LDDA is funded: Property within the defined district pays up to an additional 2 mills in property tax.