Theresa’s Promise
Jewelry Designs was started by mother/daughter team Kerry and Susan Melson. Kerry designs gemstone, crystal, and Czech glass jewelry. Susan is also a jewelry designer and does all the marketing and book-keeping.
Susan and Kerry chose the name Theresa’s Promise in honor of St. Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower. In St. Therese’s biography, Story of a Soul, she said that she believed in “doing little things with great love,” which is Kerry’s motto when she is creating her designs.
They have had their designs published in BeadStyle Magazine in 2006 and 2008, in The Little Box of Beaded Necklaces and Earrings, and in the BeadStyle book, Jewelry Just for You.
Kerry Melson
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Vendor FAQs
How do you prefer for customers to contact you? You can contact me by phone, text, or email, but it’s definitely easier to discuss special orders by phone.
How long have you been in business? Since 2005. I’ve been at the Market since 2008. I am one of a handful of the “oldest” vendors.
How did you get started? I was rummaging through a box of beads my mom had bought from a jewelry vendor in New York City, and I found a few matching pairs. I thought how much I’d love to have a pair of earrings from those neat beads.
What kind of products/services do you offer? Handcrafted beaded jewelry. I make everything at my booth. I offer earrings, bracelets, necklaces, anklets, rings, and kids’ jewelry, as well as repairs and restringing. I also take special orders.
Personally, what’s your favorite product or service? I’ve always been a necklace person. I hardly ever leave the house without one on.
What’s one thing that your customers might not know about you? My name is Kerry Melson, but my business name is “Theresa’s Promise Jewelry Designs.” I named my business after St. Theresa, who believed in doing “little things with great love.”
Also, I used to paint ceramics before I made jewelry, and I’d sell my creations at craft stores. I love to paint.
What’s the best part about being at the Market? I have made so many dear friends–vendors and customers alike. It’s so much fun for the regulars to return to my tent and tell me how much they loved a jewelry piece or how much a friend or family member loved a gift.
What is one thing that you plan to do in the future? I’d love to learn some new jewelry techniques and work with some different materials.