Eco Farm is a farm-based intentional community in Plant City founded by Jon and Debbie Butts. They have been growing vegetables, fruit trees and ornamentals on the property since 1985. In recent years, they have developed a herd of water buffalo for the extremely nutritious raw milk and value added products, which are sold for ‘Pet Consumption Only’ by Florida law.
Ecofarmers participate in farmers’ markets all year, providing a wide variety of major and minor vegetables, herbs, fruits, native plants and edible perennial plants in season; as well as jams, pesto, cane syrup (their home-grown sugarcane is processed the ‘Cracker’ way into delicious pure cane syrup), moringa powder, loofah sponges and other value-added products. They believe in eating locally as much as possible and sharing the harvest with their neighbors and customers. Asian and Caribbean vegetables typically grow well on the farm during the summertime, while crops that are grown in summertime in the rest of the country are their winter crops. Ecofarm practices non-chemical, sustainable farming, so customers can expect fresh, healthy—and yummy—produce, grown with love.
Ecofarm is a member of the Southwest Florida Small Farm Network, an expanding group of farmers, producers, and agricultural agents that share a common interest of growing food that is good for people’s health and for the environment. We are also member supporters of the Weston A. Price Foundation for Wise Traditions in food, farming and the healing arts, the Fellowship for Intentional Community, The Barefoot Gardener Yahoo Group, based in Polk County, and WMNF 88.5 Community-Supported Radio in Tampa, where Jon produces the Sustainable Living Show on alternate Mondays.
Owner Name: Jon and Debbie Butts
Location: 4451 Needle Palm Rd., Plant City, Florida, 33565
Email: ecofarmfl@yahoo.com
Phone Number:
Website: ecofarmfl.org
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/pages/Eco-Farm
How long have you been in business?
Growing since early 1990’s Markets since 2000
How did you get started?
Formerly in retail nursery and wholesale palms; then started wholesale specialty vegetables with brother. Finally settled on direct market sales of organically produced fruits and vegetables.
What kind of products/services do you offer?
Winter and summer vegetables and fruits, many heirloom, Asian and wild edibles; pure cane syrup that we grow and produce; eggs when possible; loofa (vegetable sponge), pesto, dried herbs,; sometimes low sugar jams, Raw water buffalo milk and dairy products (for “Pet Consumption Only”), potted edible plants. Note: Can offer pre-orders during difficult times and circumstances.
What’s your favorite product/service that you offer?
Extensive background in growing and environment; can answer many of your plant, growing, disease and insect problems. We love providing our organically grown fruits and vegetables to our customers!
What’s one thing that your customers might not know about you personally–or about your product/service?
At one time we ran our own retail nursery , garden center and landscaping service in north Tampa.
What do you enjoy about being a vendor at the Downtown Farmers Curb Market?
Love the camaraderie between our vendors , customers, children and dogs! It is our community!
What is one thing that you plan to do in the future–in other words, what are your goals/dreams for your business?
Find younger people to take over our farm and/or help with the farm and vendor sales.